01772 461454    01772 461454

New Day Church Food Hub (Food bank as was)

Our fortnightly youth club 
for children of primary school age, aged 6 - 11

We meet from 6.00pm to 7.15pm fortnightly on Fridays during term time at Ward Street.

£1 entry, first week free!

Come along for an evening of fun and games, crafts, snacks, and discussions about Jesus and the Christian faith.


The group offers an evening of fun, games, challenges, crafts and food for thought - all with a Christian ethos.  Seasonally, we hold 'Family BBQs', to which we encourage all our young regulars to bring along their families for an evening of the usual fun and games....but with free food!

Surf Friday Club Spring Term Dates 2025

January 10th and 24th

February 7th and 21st

March 7th and 21st

April 4th

Surf Montage 2


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